Customer Care



Q: How do I place an order on your website?
A: Placing an order on our website is easy and secure. Just follow these steps:

  • Browse our products and add the ones you want to buy to your shopping cart by clicking the “Add to Cart” button.
  • When you are ready to check out, click the “Shopping Bag” icon at the top right corner of the page and review your order details.
  • Click the “Proceed to Checkout” button and enter your shipping information. Please enter your complete shipping address including the barangay to ensure that your order will arrive at the correct address.
  • Review your order summary and click the “Place Order” button.
  • Settle your payment and send us a copy of your payment slip to complete your purchase. 
  • Once your payment is confirmed, your order will be processed. Tracking information will be sent after shipping.

Q: What payment options do you accept on your website?
A: We accept the following payment options on our website:

  • Gcash
  • BDO - Bank Deposit / Online Transfer / GCASH to BDO
  • BPI - Bank Deposit / Online Transfer / GCASH to BPI

Please send us a copy of your payment slip to confirm your order.

Q: Where will I send my proof of payment?
A: Once you have settled your payment, kindly send us a Scanned Copy/Screenshot of your Transaction Slip/Proof of Payment through any of the following:

  • Email  -
  • DM -  Instagram @viaclothingph

Please include your name and the order number in your message or email. We will process your order as soon as your payment is verified.


Q: How do you ship and deliver your products?
A: We ship and deliver our products using the following method:

  • LBC Express

You will receive a tracking number to track your order status once your order is shipped.

Please note that Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) are only estimates and cannot be fully guaranteed as couriers are third party providers with operations beyond our control.

Please ensure that your shipping address is complete, including the Barangay, to avoid delivery delays.